Easy instant annotation tool from Mandarinspot.com

It has been a while since I used Mandarinspot.com, a clever site someone coded a few years back.  Mandarinspot.com provides an easy to use tool to annotate online Chinese text with 注音 or 拼音 and English definition. Pop-up annotation tooltips open when you move mouse over the word.

For example, my DDs are working on a Chinese debate on the topic of mandatory vaccination.  There is a Chinese Wikipedia page on vaccine hesitancy.  So, I copy and paste the link under “Web site annotation” as below.



After clicking “Annotate”, it leads me to a Mandarin Spot version of this webpage.  If I don’t know the pronunciation or meaning of certain Chinese characters or words, hovering the mouse over the word will bring up a box with the Chinese pronunciation (注音 in this case) and English meaning.  Pretty nifty, no?

You can do the same with pinyin.  Just change the phonetic system above to pinyin.


Reflection on 7th grade Chinese Language Art textbook

7th grade CLA textbook
First semester, chapter 5
My DD#2 is working on chapter 5 this week.  There are a couple of words that I can’t pronounce either, having gone through 5th grade in Taiwan 30+ years ago.  So, we learn together.
I was able to read 金庸 novels and newspaper just fine by my mid teens, without additional lessons in Chinese, which is likely a typical experience for youth immigrants who had received ~ 4th grade education in Taiwan/China and kept on reading afterwards.
Looking at my DD reading aloud this chapter, I am like, yeah, they will be just fine with their Chinese.  What a relief!
We can work on her Spanish more now…. 🤣。 It happens I also grew up in a Spanish speaking country, in my teens.



○3鐐銬:音ㄌㄧㄠˊ ㄎㄠˋ,刑具。鐐,鎖住腳的刑具。銬,鎖住手的刑具。
○7憔悴:音ㄑㄧㄠˊ ㄘㄨㄟˋ,面色黃瘦,沒有精神的樣子。
○13囹圄:音ㄌㄧㄥˊ ㄩˇ,牢獄。