About Us

我和妻子是典型’80年代從台灣移民的小留學生,11-12歲移民,現年紀40中, 在‘90後期搬到北卡。我們夫妻皆是醫生,在北卡鄉下小城服務十年後,我們去年暑假搬到亞特蘭大。我們育有二女, 現在十二和十五歲。當女兒出生時,在那臉書之前的時代,妻子和我決定要盡我們所能, 讓她們在大學前把中文學到台灣國小五,六年級程度。因看過無數移民家長在鞠躬盡瘁後仍無法使孩子大點後流利得講中文, 我們當初就認知需採取非常手法,來試著完成這項似乎是不可能的任務。女兒們貼心,可愛, 從小基本上非常好帶。我們曾在家自學過一年半,不然,她們都是上全美語的學校。大女兒現在要升十年級,小女兒要升七年級。十五年的努力得來不易的成績,女兒們在家基本八成的時間彼此都用中文交談,會聽和唱中文流行歌曲, 看中文連續劇電影,也勤看中文漫畫。大女兒十二歲半時就開始可看金庸小說(看完神雕俠侶,和ㄧ半的倚天屠龍記),小女兒快十二歲時也開始看神雕俠侶。希望能藉此跟鄉親分享我們一家還“蠻成功”,中英雙語扶養孩子的經驗,供大家做參考,希望對大家有所幫助。 敬請大家多多指教。



Greetings.  We emigrated from Taiwan in our early teens in the 1980s and have been living in North Carolina, USA since the late 1990s.  We have two daughters, Charlotte (pseudonym), age 14 and Georgia (pseudonym), age 11.  We have been raising them to be bilingual and biliterate in Chinese and English since they were born in North Carolina.  After lots of hard work, we had achieved results that have remained elusive to even most immigrant family.  My daughters continue to speak with each other in Chinese most of the time.  My elder daughter started reading kungfu novels at age 13 and my 11-year-old is starting to read Harry Potter in Chinese.  She also loves reading Chinese comics.  Through this site, we wish to share with others what we had learned and hope to connect with new friends who share similar passion.  

Since a video recording is worth a thousand words, here is one such recording from 2015:


If you are a parent serious about raising your children to be bilingual and biliterate in Chinese and English in non-Chinese dominant regions, I invite you to join me and over three thousand parents on my FB group.




10/2015, revised 9/27/2017 & 7/9/2018