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We homeschooled our girls for ~ 20 months about 4 years ago and they have been back in a private school for about two and half years now.  Homeschooling was more “efficient” for us in terms of their academic and Chinese instruction/learning, freeing up more time for extracurricular activities and more Chinese, but their new private school certainly make up much of it in terms of their art/music program and the built-in socialization interactions.  My 12 year old “Charlotte” greatly enjoy her group guitar lessons and art class at school (she loves to draw), which took extra effort for us the parents to get into our homeschool program.

Though there are many ways for homeschoolers to build-in some friendly “competition” with other students in terms of the various aspects of their education, I do like the built-in version with regular schooling.   It sure saves me lots of time and serves as good additional motivator for my daughters.

With regular schooling, I have to say that we get a kick out of talking to “Charlotte” about her clubs, tennis meets, extracurricular activities, and interaction with school/class mates and friends, with all their teenage drama, friendship trouble and make-ups, boys, school dance, the eye rolls (!), and no, no boyfriends for them till….college (so says my better half).  After major adjustment during her first year in their new private school, it seems all the drama these days are with the other kids, at least that’s what she has led us to believe , LOL.  And we get to enjoy listening to tales of growing pains – daily, and mostly in Chinese of course (I work with her on that).  Now, we could probably pull some of these off, if we had continued to homeschool, but it would have taken much work on my part.

We are so glad that my girls are growing not just academically, but also emotionally, maturing into the great women they will one day become.  They will need the resilience, perseverance, and emotional intelligence to thrive in their brave new world, to adapt to, bend, or break whatever bamboo and glass ceilings that will surely try to come their way.

Granted, homeschooling provides a different experience but can be similarly enriching.  It just takes more time than I am able to devote these days.  I do say, however, that homeschooling never left us.  Their regular schooling is simply part of their education, as education is so much more than schooling.  And we do the rest at or through home!  (This calls for a story on the side.  On getting a phone text notice of school snow day, I told the girls, “There is good news and bad news.  The bad news is that, there is no school.  The good news is, there is homeschool!”  They went ballistic and said that it should the other way around!   LOL)

Finally, here is “Charlotte”, with her art-work in progress.


神鵰俠侶 (Return of the Condor Heroes)

前些日我分享了「支架式教學」 。十二歲的大女兒過去兩個月有空時讀自製有注音的「神雕俠侶」版本,我也請家教在週末時聽及帶女兒朗讀,解釋不解之處及用詞。如此看完我印出的半集”注音版”後(此金庸小說共有四集),大女兒已經可以看普通的版本了,不像當初的吃力。現在她回到以往看中文版的英文翻譯小說的速度,以ㄧ分鐘ㄧ面(~500個國字)讀「神雕俠侶」,中文功力更上ㄧ層樓了~!(但還沒到「玉女心經」級,更不用說「九陰真經」級!LOL)

Back in January, I shared with you the Scaffold Reading Experience.  In the past two months, 12 year old “Charlotte” read the famed kungfu novel “Return of the Condor Heroes” using the self -made version with zhuyin on the side, when she’s got time.  On the weekend, Charlotte read it aloud to her Chinese tutor, who guided her reading with explanation when needed.  The novel has four volumes and I printed out half a volume with zhuyin on the side.  After reading such half volume, Charlotte now is able to read the regular novel with much more ease than at the very beginning.  She can now read this kungfu novel at the speed of one page per minute, or ~ 500 characters a minute.  This is the same speed at which she previously read the Chinese edition of translated English novels.  It looks like her Chinese proficiency is up a notch now.



A FB group member suggested that we can try Mulan Verse.  Since many heritage kids are familiar with the story, we gave it a shot.  Here is “Georgia” reading the first half on the second day.
















Prosody appreciation through a short classical Chinese piece of writing.  This is the story behind the idiom, 塞翁失馬, 焉知非(禍)福.



近塞上之人,有善術者,馬無故亡而入胡,人皆吊之。其父曰:『此何遽不福乎?』居月,其馬將駿馬而歸,人皆賀之。其父曰:『此何遽不禍乎?』家富良 馬,其子好騎,墮而折其髀,人皆吊之。其父曰:『此何遽不福乎?』

居一年,胡人大入塞,丁壯者引弦而戰,近塞之人,死者十九,此獨以跛之故,父相保。 故福之禍,禍之福,化可極,深可測也。」

English explanation from Wikitionary

“It can be difficult to foresee the twists and turns which compel misfortune to beget fortune, and vice versa. There once was a old man, skilled in divination, who lived close to the frontier (with his son). One of his horses accidentally strayed into the lands of the Xiongnu, so everyone consoled him. (But) the old man said, “Why should I hastily (conclude) that this is not fortunate?” After several months, the horse came back from the land of the Xiongnu, accompanied by another stallion, so everyone congratulated him. (But) the father said, “Why should I hastily (conclude) that this can not be unfortunate?”. One day (the son) fell off the stallion, and broke his leg, so everyone consoled (the father). (But) the father said, “Why should I hastily (conclude) that this is not fortunate?”

One year later, the Xiongnu invaded the frontier, and all able-bodied men took up arms and went to war. Of the men from the frontier (who volunteered), nine out of ten men perished (from the fighting). It was only because of (the son’s) broken leg, that the father and son were spared (this tragedy). Therefore misfortune begets fortune, and fortune begets misfortune. This goes on without end, and its depths can not be measured. (Wiktionary translation)”



















