「兒時記趣」朗讀 (Childhood Story)

兒時記趣 (Childhood story) is a famous piece of writing by an author (沈復) of the Ching Dynasty and is often taught in the Chinese Language Art textbook in junior high school.  It is an example of classical Chinese.  I had never heard of it before, as I left Taiwan after fifth grade.  Nevertheless, since it is on the 7th grade first semester CLA textbook we received as a hand-me-down from a relative in Taiwan, I thought it would be good for DD#2 to study a couple of short passages such as this.


作者:沈復 (1763-1825)






Here is DD’s read-aloud:


Here is an educational video on it:


Supposedly the following last paragraph is omitted and not taught since it is not rated G, more like PG, 🤣.

年長思之,二蟲之鬥,蓋圖奸不從也,古語云:「奸近殺。」 蟲亦然耶?貪此生涯,卵為蚯蚓所哈,腫不能便,捉鴨開口哈之,婢嫗偶釋手,鴨顛其頸作吞噬狀,驚而大哭,傳為語柄。此皆幼時閑情也。

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