神鵰俠侶 (Return of the Condor Heroes)

前些日我分享了「支架式教學」 。十二歲的大女兒過去兩個月有空時讀自製有注音的「神雕俠侶」版本,我也請家教在週末時聽及帶女兒朗讀,解釋不解之處及用詞。如此看完我印出的半集”注音版”後(此金庸小說共有四集),大女兒已經可以看普通的版本了,不像當初的吃力。現在她回到以往看中文版的英文翻譯小說的速度,以ㄧ分鐘ㄧ面(~500個國字)讀「神雕俠侶」,中文功力更上ㄧ層樓了~!(但還沒到「玉女心經」級,更不用說「九陰真經」級!LOL)

Back in January, I shared with you the Scaffold Reading Experience.  In the past two months, 12 year old “Charlotte” read the famed kungfu novel “Return of the Condor Heroes” using the self -made version with zhuyin on the side, when she’s got time.  On the weekend, Charlotte read it aloud to her Chinese tutor, who guided her reading with explanation when needed.  The novel has four volumes and I printed out half a volume with zhuyin on the side.  After reading such half volume, Charlotte now is able to read the regular novel with much more ease than at the very beginning.  She can now read this kungfu novel at the speed of one page per minute, or ~ 500 characters a minute.  This is the same speed at which she previously read the Chinese edition of translated English novels.  It looks like her Chinese proficiency is up a notch now.

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